HomeSmart Elite

HomeSmart Elite



About Us

Katie Graham has been a dominant real estate broker since her career began in 2001. Katie has been recognized nationally for her outstanding sales ability and as an accomplished trainer throughout her career. Katie began training and coaching real estate brokers in 2005 and joined the Agent Leadership Council. She has won multiple awards including Rookie of the Year, Diamond Club Award and the Five Star Professional Real Estate Award 8 years in a row. Katie’s been on the mentoring team for several years and has helped build the education and training program in the north metro Denver region. Katie is part of a chosen few asked to be an inaugural member of Homesmart Elite Division. She is the branch manager of the Westminster office and holds the GRI, RENE, e-Pro and Ecobroker credentials. Areas of demographic competency include Denver/Boulder front range and Summit County!


Head Shot
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Hydration Station!
River Run Keystone.  View from Hunki Dori condo
2553 Bluestem Willow Loveland
Eliot St Denver
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Kathryn (Katie) Graham
Broker Associate