Broomfield Area TableTop Networking
TableTop Networking operates as a series of face-to-face meetings, usually at a different host venue as a showcase or open-house for that venue. We network in a form of condensed speed networking in a series of ?rounds?. These rounds are separated by educational sponsor presentations and door-prizes or giveaways. Each Chapter meets between 8AM and 10AM on their particular day of the month and our goal is to make business networking fun and effective again!
CHAMBER U - "Membership Essentials - Getting the BEST Return on Your Involvement"
MEMBERSHIP ESSENTIALS Getting the BEST Return on Your Involvement This course is designed as a learning resource for new members or existing members who would like a fresh perspective on how to get the most from their Chamber membership. This will be the ''soup to nuts'' of your Chamber membership and will cover how to set up your website, what you can do to get your company noticed, how to become more involved with the Chamber, etc. This class will be held in a hybrid format on the 4th Wednesday of the month. If you plan to attend in person, our office is located the Schaeffer Building at 26 Garden Center. ** If possible, please bring any of the following items with you to the Chamber office: Business Cards Brochures or Flyers Swag Items If you miss this one, register early for next month!