Ribbon Cutting Event Request Form

The Broomfield Chamber ribbon cuttings and grand opening events are typically on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays between 4-6PM. These time slots give you some guarantee of attendance from our Board, Ambassadors, and City Council. Requests made outside these times will be considered. However, we cannot guarantee availability or attendance. Please have a representative from your organization complete the form below to request a ribbon cutting event.

Contact Jordan Meadows at jordan.meadows@broomfieldchamber.com or 303.466.1775 x 105, to ask any additional questions about a ribbon cutting, grand opening or milestone anniversary.

Note: The Chamber cannot guarantee the number of guests in attendance. Pre-registration with the Chamber for Ribbon Cuttings is required with two weeks advance notice. Events are scheduled based upon availability. No more than two ribbon cuttings will be conducted in the same day.

**IMPORTANT** Your event is not considered "Scheduled" until you receive an email confirmation or calendar invite for the event from the Chamber staff. If your event is LESS THAN 10 DAYS away, and you have NOT received any kind of confirmation email, please reach out to us.
Full Name
Ribbon Cutting Location
Format: M/d/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM
Format: M/d/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM
Format: hh:mm AM/PM
Format: hh:mm AM/PM
Will a member from your organization like to say a few words?