Event / Meeting Space Available

If you have event or meeting space in your establishment, and you wish to have that promoted on the Chamber website, please complete the information below.
Your Name (This is NOT made public)
Venue Address
What Type of Space Do You Have Available for Rent? *
If you don't have EVENT SPACE available, please answer with N/A. Please provide details for the space that you offer for booking, including size, capacity, if tables and chairs are included, and any additional amenities that are offered (i.e., food, drinks, music, etc.)
If you have EVENT SPACE to offer, you may include photos here.
If you don't have MEETING SPACE available, please answer with N/A. Please provide details for the space that you offer for booking, including size, capacity, if tables and chairs are included, and any additional amenities that are offered (i.e., food, drinks, music, etc.)
If you have MEETING SPACE to offer, you may include photos here.
Contact Name for Booking or Reserving the Space