Fortitude Physio & Movement, PLLC
Physical Therapy
Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 3:00; hours available after 3:00 with inquiry
Driving Directions:
Located on the Southwest Corner of 116th and Main St. Located inside Active Lab.
About Us
There is always a story as to why one decides on a profession. I believe mine came from my love of sports, followed by injury, followed by recovery and always moving forward - fortitude! In general, Fortitude Physio & Movement, PLLC, owner, Breana Koffler (Bree) is your local, one on one, physical therapist, athletic trainer, pilates and movement professional. I provide manual therapy, exercise, dry needling, and ergonomic training. But just saying that sounds kind of boring.
My true passion is teaching people how to move correctly using different tools to be creative and fun – training clients so their body grows stronger and they can get back to doing what they want to do. People ask me what my favorite type of client is - my response is always the ones who are in pain or discomfort and not doing what they want do freely, the people who forgot how to move or were injured playing their favorite sport or activity. I see a range of clients from 10 years old all the way to 75. The patterns people develop early in life are ingrained through their entire body; over a lifetime this sets them up for injury. Yes, there are circumstances where evident injury occurs and rehab is needed. But then there's the out of nowhere problem. ''I wasn't doing anything'' pain. My response - 'Well that's the problem – you weren't doing anything.''
I'm the person that wants to create connection within your movement. Whether you are sitting at a desk all day, growing and developing in sport or maintaining an active lifestyle, lets find a way to keep that movement for you... Fortitude!
- Physical Therapist
- Pilates
- Functional Movement
- Athletic Training
- Personal one on one session